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The Funus Memoriae GmbH & Co KG (lat. funus = funeral; lat. memoriae = memory) ist the world‘s premier company, that specialises in the cremation of human memories. We‘re helping people to ban unloved moments from their conscious and unconscious minds and have therefore developed two proven procedures:

1. From painful breakups to unpleasant dentist appointments; from bad hangovers to the election of Donald Trump; You decide which awful memories to erase with the help of our proven MEMORY RELEASING.

Feel the purifying power of the flames and let it turn your sorrows into smoke...
And even if you supposedly feel alright or just have problems choosing, we may have the proper solution for you:

With our MEMORY CLEANSING, we help you to tidy out your memory and/or get rid of memories that have not yet been identified as harmful or float around your unconsciuous mind and express themselves through psychosomatic complaints. Our patent-pending Memometer, operated by one of our trained employees will help you identify and manifest those memories with ease, so you can finally let them go.

Don‘t wait! Let us help you today: Just forget about it...

Funus Memoriae is the world's first and only memory crematorium. With a healthy mix of pastoral business sense and mystical bureaucracy, bad memories are getting a heat treatment here.

If you want to take advantage of one of our services please don't hesitate to contact us via:

We will send one of our skilled Crematory Execution Officers as quick as possible, who will take thorough care of your memories.
